Here are some helpful hints that pastors have shared with us…
- MAKE CONTACT with the family and STAY CONNECTED with them during the waitlist time.
- If feasible, MEET REGULARLY with the man, daily if possible, for prayer and accountability.
- Encourage the man to secure the 4 BIBLE STUDIES written for the men to complete while on the waitlist. The can get them from the Intake office 848-227-4591 or can be downloaded below.
- ENCOURAGE FAMILY MEMBERS to secure a Bible Study written specifically for them. “Responding Biblically In the Midst of It…” download or it can be obtained through the Women’s Ministry department 732.350.1187 ext. 1049.
- Ascertain the practical, physical and financial NEEDS OF THE FAMILY. As a rule, it is not wise to give the man money. Help the family find state and community resources available such as food banks, WIC, food stamps, etc.
- BE INTENTIONAL in having individuals or families minister to the addicted man and his family.
- Be available (and make that known to family members) to INTERVENE if domestic situations arise – civil authorities may need to be called if the situation warrants.
- Help the family determine available ALTERNATIVE LIVING SITUATIONS, if necessary, for either the man or members of his family.
- Be committed to PRAY for the man and his family.
- ENLIST HELP from others in your church to come alongside the family.
to download a copy of the Victorious Christian Life Memory Verses